Smartvoices becomes part of

With the ambition to remain a leader in this market, AI specialist is joining forces with voice agency Smartvoices.
September 9, 2021

Customers have high expectations when it comes to holding automated dialogues via chatbots and voice assistants. With the ambition to remain a leader in this market, AI specialist Y.Digital is joining forces with voice agency Smartvoices. The strategic combination focuses on the development and implementation of hyper-intelligent conversational agents.

Valuable proposition

“Y.Digital specializes in AI for making knowledge-intensive processes accessible: digitalising and, thereby, scaling up. This is the foundation of many next generation conversational systems”, says Paul van der Hulst of “We are already doing this for chatbots and intelligent portals. We also see an enormous potential for voice as an interface. It offers customers convenience, speed, and wider accessibility via, for example, mobile and smart speakers. The great thing about the combination is that we already partly serve the same customers in healthcare and the financial sector: Interesting markets where we can still create plenty of opportunities together. By bringing together our knowledge and experience, we can realise the best solutions for our customers”.

Reinforcement technology

“Smartvoices has a strong position in the market for voice assistants”, says Carla Verwijmeren. “We have the ambition to excel at the intersection of customer experience and the voice interface, in every phase of the customer journey. AI technology and high-quality language understanding form the foundation of these solutions. To further expand our leading position in the market, we started looking for a high-tech partner who can deal with AI, unstructured data, and non-linear conversations. We see that there are hardly any parties that excel in this area, while there is an ever increasing need in the market. Fortunately, we found a good strategic match in Y.Digital. Both in terms of content and culture”.


Since September 1st, Smartvoices is a part of Y.Digital. Van der Hulst: “We are, obviously, proud that Smartvoices is partnering with us. Not only because it strengthens our proposition but, as a new partner, Carla also brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in marketing and customer experience. We were already strong in the field of technology and operations, with her arrival as CCO we have completed our management team”.

More information

Paul van der Hulst / Y.Digital: +316 34 66 00 07 –

Carla Verwijmeren / Smartvoices: +316 31 99 13 85 –

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